Beautifully simple.
Simply beautiful.
The Injectrode®
Placement and Removal Demo
How is our approach different?
Externally Stimulated
The Injectrode is deployed fully inside the body, and stimulated electrically through the skin, meaning there are no wires sticking out of the body after the simple placement procedure. No cables crossing the skin to connect to an outside simulator means less risk for infection or irritation.
How is it powered?
The Injectrode receives power from outside the body. The electrical power and waveforms come from an external pulse generator (EPG) that snaps magnetically onto a stimulating patch electrode. The patch is placed directly over the implanted Injectrode. When the EPG is powered on and stimulating, the Injectrode creates a conductive path for the electrical current to travel to the nerve target.
Simple to Place
The elegant design of the Injectrode system allows for access to typically difficult-to-reach nerves deep inside the human body through an 18 ga needle injection. The procedure, performed similarly to a steroid injection, does not require sutures to secure it inside the body.
Simple to Remove
The Injectrode was built with removal in mind. When removing, each individual coil of the helical wire structure lengthens and pulls inwards before transmitting the force to the next coil, allowing for clean removal from the body, and reducing the risk of leaving a scar behind.
Vison: Removal via Needle
This fluoroscopy documentation from past cadaver studies showcases "tomorrow's" removal via needle. “Needle in, needle out” represents the next step in our mission to simplify and enable neuromodulation therapies earlier in the treatment funnel, resulting in more access for patients.
Ultrasound & Fluoroscopy Visualization
Placement is everything in neuromodulation, which is why device visualization is key. The Injectrode appears hyperechoic under ultrasound and displays a large acoustic shadow, allowing for clear imaging during placement. The device can also be readily imaged with fluoroscopy allowing both, interlaminar, and transforaminal approaches for the DRG.
Resists Migration
Migration is one of the main pain points for clinicians when placing leads and electrodes. The Injectrode is designed to greatly minimize the risk of lead migration by self-anchoring and conforming to the patient's anatomy automatically, all without tines, hooks, or sutures. The anchoring capability is even achieved in curved injection pathways.
Elegant Procedure
The simplicity of the procedure allows clinicians to help more pain patients with an outpatient procedure. After 15 minutes of training, 6 pain management clinicians successfully placed the Injectrode in fewer than 5 minutes on their first attempt. After a bit of practice, the procedure was completed in under two minutes.*
What Clinicians
are Saying

“This is a foolproof procedure. Once you get your muscle memory down, you can place the Injectrode in less than a minute. The simplicity of the procedure will help clinicians feel more comfortable treating pain with stimulation.”
Amol Soin, MD
“The Injectrode would simplify my workflow for PNS and DRG procedures.”
Hesham Elsharkawy, MD
What if?
Implanting or explanting a chronic neurostimulator was...
Would patients try neuromodulation earlier?
Would more clinicians perform DRG stimulation?
Would clinicians be able to treat more pain patients?
Would this encourage more neuromodulation procedures?
Would more patients try neuromodulation?
*data on file