MRI Conditionality
Work is ongoing to document the MRI conditionality of the Injectrode in the human body in response to scans in the bore of 1.5T and 3T scanners.
note: early data, updates to come
Sphenopalatine Ganglion MRI
3 Tesla MRI 128 MHz (Siemens)
(Red, Green) - MRI artifact diameter measured
Fluoroscopy of Bilateral Sphenopalatine Ganglion Injectrode Placement
without external pulse generator (EPG)
with EPG placed below ear lobe over Injectrode
Lumbar Spine MRI
3 Tesla MRI 128 MHz (Siemens)
(Red) - MRI artifact diameter measured
Fluoroscopy of Injectrodes placed bilaterally onto L2 Dorsal Rami and L4 near-DRG
placement on L2 Dorsal Ramus
with EPG placed on lower back over
L4 near-DRG Injectrode
with EPG placed on lower back over
L2 Dorsal Ramus Injectrode